L-Cont Safety Engineering
L-CONT considers it an honour that you show your interest in its activity by having a look at the description of the company.
History of the company
L-CONT Ltd. was founded in 1989, so it has an eleven-year-long history of success. One of its components is entrepreneurial past: we all had already tried acting in both small- and large scale production. Although our employers were satisfied with our work, we founded our own enterprise keeping in view the object of extending our professional knowledge.
During the past ten years the quality, the precision, and the trustfulness of our work made us known within the professional branch. The number of our customers is steadily growing. In 2000 we decided that it was time to continue the activity of the electrician and of the property security branch of the same company as two independent enterprises. The property security branch as legal successor is functioning by the name of L-CONT Biztonságtechnika Kft.
The bigger than ever increase of the number of criminal offences against property and the number of the cases of fire is more and more making our work indispensable. The references that we have got and the growing fame of our company have already established the possibility of development. The favourable change of the attitude to property, the privatisation, the changes in economy, and the deterioration of criminal statistics are having such an effect on people in charge of saving property and on proprietors that they want to do more for the preservation of their property. The standard of the planned conditions of insurance and property security systems forces our customers to act. The claim for new safety appliances or for the overhaul of appliances that were installed in the past and are probably not functioning now is higher and higher.
Presentation of the company
Identifying data:
- Name of the company: L-CONT Biztonságtechnika Korlátolt Felelosségû Társaság
- Ownership form of the company: Limited liability company of individuals
- Shortened name of the company: L-CONT Biztonságtechnika Kft.
- Residence of the company: 9023 Gyõr, Mester u. 7.
- Date of the partnership contract: 5 September 1989.
- Duration of the company: Indefinite time
- Number in trade register: 0809000987/1990/3
- Leaders authorised to sign: Szabó Béla, Szocs Béla
- Bank account number: CIB BANK RT. 10700031-04718204-511 00005
- Number of employees: 20
Activities of the company:
- installation of fire alarm, burglar alarm, smoke- and heat dissipator, and of gas indicator systems
- maintenance of fire alarm, burglar alarm, smoke- and heat dissipator, and of gas indicator systems
- overhaul of alarm and fire indicator units
- installation of car alarms
- binding in of fire alarm systems to the remote surveillance system of the Municipal Fire Department of Gyõr.
Our plans are created with the help of well-qualified and experienced specialists in criminology, according to the recommendations of insurance companies and the MSZ IEC standards of alarm systems. During the planning period we always take into consideration the special circumstances of our customers. The implementation process is characterised by quality and promptness.
Our high-standard work is helped by the latest generation of indicators and alarm systems from Western Europe and America.
We undertake a 12 months' guarantee for the systems we installed, and ensure the continuous supply of materials.
Our aim is to satisfy the demands of our customers as much as possible in the field of property security and electrical safety engineering. Our services are based on the two main activities. Besides the specialists performing the planning process and the installation, we are in contact with acknowledged experts, so in both fields we are at our customers' service by providing expert advice and by giving expert opinion.
A part of our activity is of maintenance type, where the elimination of defects must be carried out within 24 hours. We operate several fire-protection and property security systems in Gyõr-Moson-Sopron County and in the surrounding counties.
The cost of the contractual maintenance of property security and fire-protection systems was 22 million Fts in the year 2000.
The purchase of installation materials at a low price and their storage improves our competitiveness significantly.
L-CONT Biztonságtechnika Ltd.. is the distributor in West-Transdanubia of the SYSTEM SENSOR and NOTIFIER fire indicators circulated by PROMATT Ltd.., and of the ABACUS and C&K property security systems. L-CONT Biztonságtechnika Ltd.. is officially in charge of the installation for MATÁVÕR.
The following list, which is not complete, contains the exclusive systems that can serve as reference:
- Public Revenue Office (APEH), Gyõr, Sopron
- Veterinary Station (Állategészségügyi állomás), Gyõr
- AUDI Hungária Ltd., Gyõr
- AUSTROTHERM Ltd., Gyõr, Gyöngyös
- Bábolna Rt. Bábolna computing center
- Hotel Baross
- BUDAFESTÉK Ltd., Gyõr, Budapest
- CIB Bank, Gyõr
- Dr. Oetker
- ÉDÁSZ Rt. Central plant
- Health Insurance Pay-Office (Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár), Gyõr
- National Park of FERTOD (Nemzeti Park), SARRÓD
- Institute for Frequency Economy (Frekvenciagazdálkodási Intézet), Budapest
- Chamber of Commerce , head-office (Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara székház), Gyõr
- Biscuits Factory of Gyõr (Gyõri Keksz Kft.)
- Liqueur Factory of Gyõr (Gyõri Likorgyár Rt.)
- National Theatre of Gyõr (Gyõri Nemzeti Színház)
- HungarHotels RÁBAHOTEL, Gyõr
- Innovational and Technological Center (Innovációs és Technológiai Központ), Gyõr
- Pension Kálvária
- Treasury and Clerical Hospice (Kincstár és Papi otthon), Gyõr
- Kisalföld Füszért trading network
- MALÉV office, Gyõr
- Pension Board (Nyugdíjbiztosítási Igazgatóság) Gyõri, Sopron, Cegléd
- ON-LINE Department Store, Gyõr
- OPÁL Furniture Studio, Gyõr
- Arch-Abbey, Pannonhalma
- PIZZA HUT, Gyõr, Budapest
- Rajka és Vidéke Savings Bank
- Somogyi Elektronik , Gyõr
- STAMAG Gabona, Komárom
- Cathedral Gyõr, Szent László Herm
- TYCO Electronic EC Ltd.., Bicske
- Veritas Hungária Ltd.., Dunakiliti
- Vogel & Noot Power Engineering Ltd.., Mosonmagyaróvár
- Pension Wesselényi
- WITTMANN Robottechnika Ltd., Mosonmagyaróvár
- Wolf Hungária Ltd., Gyõr
Our marketing strategy in short:
We must do two things by all means:
- our tenders must be correct and explicit;
- all the workers of the company must be customer oriented.
- Our aim is to provide help, ensure Your security, and make your home and enterprise safer.
- Our target customers
- wholesale customers, industrial public institutions, department stores;
- entrepreneurs;
- well-to-do individuals.
- Our slogan
"Our work is your security."
We hope we managed to arouse your interest in the activity of our company by this short guide.
- AQUA Szolgáltató Kft. Mosonmagyaróvár
- Aquacomet Kft. Győr
- AUSTROTHERM Kft., Győr, Gyöngyös
- Baross Hotel Győr
- Büchl Hungária Győr
- EON Szolgáltató Kft., Győr Központi telephelye
- Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár, Győr
- FERTŐDI Nemzeti Park, SARRÓD
- Frekvenciagazdálkodási Intézet, Budapest
- GYMS Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara székház, Győr
- Győri Likőrgyár Rt.
- Győr Megyei Jogú Város Tűzoltósága Győr
- Győr Megyei Jogú Város Polgármesteri Hivatala
- Győri Kommunális Szolgáltató Kft
- Győri Nemzeti Színház
- Győri Raktárváros Egyesülés
- Győrlakk
- Hotel Famulus Győr
- Hotel Parlament Budapest
- HungarHotels RÁBAHOTEL, Győr
- IGM Robotrendszerek Kft Győr
- Innovációs és Technológiai Központ, Győr
- Interspar Center Győr
- Kálvária Panzió
- Kincstár és Papi otthon, Győr
- Kisalföld Füszért üzlethálózat
- Komáromi tűzoltóság Komárom
- NYME Tanszálló Győr
- NYKCE Nyiregyháza
- NOKIA Komárom Kft.,
- Nyugdíjbiztosítási Igazgatóság Győri, Soproni és Ceglédi Kirendeltség
- Praktiker áruház Győr
- Pannonhalmi Főapátság Pannonhalma
- Petz Aladár Megyei Oktató Kórház Győr
- Rajka és Vidéke Takarékszövetkezet kirendeltségei
- Robust Plastic Kft., Győr
- SAMSUNG ELECTRONIC Magyar ZRt., Jászfényszarú
- Solydent Fogászati Centrum Győr
- Somogyi Elektronik csarnok, Győr
- STAMAG IREKS Gabona, Komárom
- Székesegyház Szent László Herma, Győr
- Széchenyi István Egyetem Győr
- VINCOTECH Kft., Bicske
- Veritas Hungária Kft., Dunakiliti
- Wesselényi Panzió
- WITTMANN Robottechnika Kft., Mosonmagyaróvár
- CHIO Magyarország Kft., Győr
- Zenon (General Electric) Oroszlány, Tatabánya